The universal boop counter for VRChat!
Not usable on standalone Quest
💻 Boop Counter software (to count, store and display boops)
💻 VRCRouter software (to run many OSC apps at once, autostart them with VRChat)
🧊 Boop Prefabs for many avatars
🧊 Universal Boop prefab
🎶 Various Sounds and 🎊 Particle presets
📚 Tutorials, walkthroughs and documentation on setting everything up.
"I love dopamine" - Zenyth171
"yeeeeees, add to my counter" - Serim
"every boop makes me stronger" - Neodragun
"I don't know why the number is so high, people have a problem not me" - Mocha Latte
You can use any sound that you would like to play when you get booped!
Particles can be customized and we have some pre-made ones included.
VRCRouter may be used with any program, not only OSC ones. You can make any program start with VRChat.
We've compiled tutorials that cover the prefab setup and the software! There are 6 tutorials in total. You can find all of them in the description of the videos below.
Simple Unity knowledge (hierarchies, uploading avatars, moving stuff around)
The boop counter is universal, but to help with performance ratings and setup we have presets for the following avatars.
If your avatar is not on the list, you can still use the boop counter! All you have to do is set up the 'Generic Parent Constrained' prefab included in the unity package. We have a tutorial on that in our tutorials list.
Aqua Fox, Awdeer, Batdal, BZ Protogen, Davali, Deuzear, Freakhound, Ghostblaze, Hyenid, Irix Fluffy Dog, JinA Ampwave, JinA Wickerbeast, Kepler 2.0, Kitavali, Kobodal (and chibi variant), Kyuulin, Lorc Avali, Lorcan Mantled Beast, Maitake Shiba Kobold, Nardoragon, Nicoreda Mantledbeast, Nicoreda Protogen, Rexouium, Skull Gremkin, Taidum 2, TeaLBiTZ Foxx, Tigerbee, Toastador Gremlin V2 Zoichi 3.0
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out: https://discord.shader.gay